by ChampMoney | 10:07

If you do not know how to create a Facebook page, know that today. You have to do is follow the guide I wrote on the subject and in less than no time your page will be online ready to host all the photos you want. Just think, you can do it right from your phone!

Once set up the page, you have to advertise it a bit ‘to increase the number of visitors. To do so, please share it on your personal profile and follow the instructions contained in my other guide on how to get as many “likes” on a Facebook page it is to engage users, promote the page on your blog and external internet sites through the appropriate “box” (like those you find on many websites), and apply other small steps to increase the visibility of the contents.

How to get 100 likes

  • The present method (moment of publication of the article) works but we can not know or guarantee until work.
    To use this method you must set at least for a few minutes, the update privacy status to “public”;
  • This means that the post can be seen by all and not just by your friends. This setting can be changed later, once you have tried the trick.
    Follow the instructions and everything should work properly; we can not be held responsible if any of you abused and could be reported as spam by Facebook. Try at your own risk and as always: common sense.
    Your profile, using the application Cause, comment on and clicks like automatically on many other status updates.
  • What, if repeated several times, could lead to the temporary suspension of your account on Facebook (ie, Facebook will prompt you to reset the password to be sure that you have not been the victim of a virus).
  • What we advise you to do, if you want to try the method it is to remove or block the application Cause that is added in step 3, right after you tried the method.

The Social Media Marketing is the activity that aims to gain visibility on social media and aggregators 2.0. Many companies now, from large multinationals to small businesses, calling on the web and face competition with blows of a Fan Page, Twitter profile, YouTube channel, and so on and so forth. How they do it? Usually badly given the poor training that you have and the little time spent. Many believe that Facebook is the number one platform to promote their business and on which to base their own personal branding (or corporate brand), but few know that there are dozens of very different social platforms from one another their target audience and content.

Today we will deal in particular of how to get Likes on its fan page and the phenomenon of free sharing of open, closed groups, the secrets that are generating a very special business.

Why do these groups
Born substantially for many reasons. Every Facebook user can create one. Usually the idea was born after having seen others and in fact many of these have many members in common. Some people instead try the enterprise business in the business: use free and essentially unlimited tools to offer to businesses, associations and others a certain number of Follower or Like to really surprising costs.

How effective are these groups?
Apparently a lot. I tested them for a while and I was really amazed at how much activity company is behind. I also added in 2000 like for every facebook page that I manage at no cost and with very little work! Pretty much just “stick” to an internal regulation to the group and then you can link your fan page-are receiving tens, perhaps hundreds of like every day. By regulation I mean simple steps such as, for example, give their like in the pages that administrators promote and add 5 or 10 friends to the group!

How much are like on Facebook?
And here it would have to talk a lot. We try to be brief. According to estimates It.Finance Yahoo a like on Facebook for a large international company it is worth an average of 174 dollars, or about € 150. Such a high value is given essentially by the fact that a user who follow a brand on Facebook typically spends about three times more than one user is not registered with the social community company. I Like apply even more so if the reference company markets products / services that have high costs. Think, for example, that of Zara customers who follow the brand on Facebook spend an average of 610 USD compared to 256 USD for non-Follower.

Like useful and less useful like
Needless to say like maybe it’s exaggerated. In the end even those who are not interested in a brand could be struck, one day, by a proposal or a product of that brand. It ‘always good to be visible at the bottom!

Achieve a Facebook user and earn like “just” with activities of content marketing or social media marketing is quite expensive and it takes a long time. In practice, the company shares on the web content related to its productive activities (blogs, social networks, e-commerce …) and users, spontaneously, reach company profiles and, if interested, they become our followers. These activities cost the company about 1 € for each I like.

This kind of like it is useful! Potential customers are really interested in our work, our advice and that, according to your budget, sooner or later will spend money in our favor.


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